1. India – France space cooperation

Q. With reference to the ‘TRISHNA Mission’, consider the following statements.

  1. It is a collaborative endeavour between ISRO and CNES.
  2. It aims to deliver high spatial and high temporal resolution monitoring of Earth’s surface temperature, emissivity, biophysical and radiation variables for surface energy budgeting at regional to global scale.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2



TRISHNA mission: 

  • The TRISHNA (Thermal Infra-Red Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural Resource Assessment) mission, a collaborative endeavor between ISRO and CNES. Hence statement 1 is correct.
  • It is engineered to deliver high spatial and high temporal resolution monitoring of Earth’s surface temperature, emissivity, biophysical and radiation variables for surface energy budgeting at regional to global scale. Hence statement 2 is correct.
  • This mission addresses critical water and food security challenges, focusing on the impacts of human-induced climate change and efficient water resource management through evapotranspiration monitoring.
  • TRISHNA’s primary objectives include detailed monitoring of the energy and water budgets of the continental biosphere for quantifying terrestrial water stress and water use and high-resolution observation of water quality and dynamics in coastal and inland waters. 

Primary Objectives:

  • Monitor continental water stress and usage.
  • Study water quality in coastal/inland regions.
  • Evapotranspiration for agricultural water management.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Track urban heat islands.
  • Detect volcanic activity, geothermal resources.
  • Snow-melt monitoring and glacier dynamics.
  • Assess atmospheric variables like aerosol optical depth.


  • Thermal Infrared (TIR): 4-channel imaging sensor by CNES for surface temperature.
  • VNIR-SWIR: 7 spectral bands developed by ISRO for surface reflectance and biophysical mapping.

Orbit & Coverage:

  • Sun-synchronous orbit at 761 km altitude, 12:30 PM local time.
  • Spatial resolution: 57m for land/coastal, 1 km for oceans/polar regions.
  • Mission lifespan: 5 years.


  • Agriculture: Water-saving advisories, irrigation use, watershed management.
  • Climate: Track droughts, evapotranspiration, permafrost changes.
  • Urban: Urban heat island maps, heat alerts.
  • Water Quality: Coastal pollution, snow-cover monitoring.
  • Cryosphere: Improved snow-melt and glacier runoff models.

Global Impact:

  • Supports global initiatives like GEOGLAM (Agriculture), UN SDGs, Global Water Watch.
  • Data for Essential Agricultural and Climate Variables (EAVs/ECVs).

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/we-are-sharing-state-of-the-art-expertise-with-isro-for-gaganyaan-mission-french-space-agency-chief/article68655380.ece 


2. Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) and Permanent Indus Commission (PIC)

Q. Consider the following statements:

  1. India shares five Himalayan rivers with Pakistan.
  2. As per the Indus Water Treaty, water from the ‘eastern rivers’ were allocated to India and that from the three western rivers to Pakistan.
  3. The treaty also allows India to use the eastern rivers for limited irrigation purposes only.

How many of the above statements are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

Answer: (a) Only one


In NEWS: India to freeze talks with Pakistan on Indus waters 

“There will be no more meetings of the Permanent Indus Commission (PIC) till the governments of India and Pakistan meet and discuss the renegotiation of the 64-year-old Indus Water Treaty,”

Permanent Indus Commission (PIC): 

  • The PIC is the most consequential product of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), signed in 1960, to manage the sharing of six Himalayan rivers between India and Pakistan. Hence statement 1 is incorrect.
  • Commissioners of both countries are mandated to meet every year, and sometimes have met multiple times in the year, to discuss and resolve differences on the sharing of river water, constructing hydropower projects and data-sharing concerning the ecological aspects of the rivers.
  • India’s notification highlights fundamental and unforeseen changes in circumstances that require a reassessment of obligations under various Articles of the Treaty. 
  • Among various concerns, important ones include change in population demographics; environmental issues — need to accelerate development of clean energy to meet India’s emission targets; impact of persistent cross-border terrorism, etc

Indus Waters Treaty (IWT):

  • Under the treaty, water from the Beas, Ravi and Sutlej, or the ‘eastern rivers’, were allocated to India and that from the three western rivers — Chenab, Indus and Jhelum — to Pakistan. Hence statement 2 is correct.
  • The treaty allows India to use the western rivers for limited irrigation purposes and power generation, among other ‘non-consumptive’ uses. Hence statement 3 is incorrect.
PYQ REFERENCE:Q. With reference to the Indus River system, of the following four rivers, three of them pour into one of them which joins the Indus direct. Among the following which is one is such river that joins the Indus direct?a) Chenabb) Jhelumc) Ravid) Sutlej

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-serves-notice-to-pakistan-seeking-review-of-indus-water-treaty/article68655577.ece 

3. Chandrayaan-4 mission

Q. Consider the following statements: The Chandrayaan-4 mission by ISRO

  1. the Indian Human Spaceflight Programme to develop and launch a crewed spacecraft to the moon. 
  2. is India’s first mission to involve docking of space modules.
  3. involves five separate modules from which  two of the modules will detach from the main spacecraft and make a landing on the Moon.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: (b) 2 and 3 only


In NEWS: Chandrayaan-4, Venus orbiter get approval from Union Cabinet

In a boost to the space programme, the Union government on Wednesday approved the Chandrayaan-4 mission to bring moon rocks to earth, send a spacecraft to orbit Venus and expand the Gaganyaan project to build an Indian space station.


  • The designs of India’s next mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan-4 — which will bring rock and soil samples back to the Earth — has been finalised. Hence statement 1 is incorrect.
  • The Chandrayaan-4 spacecraft will have five separate modules. The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft, which made a historic landing near the South Pole of the Moon, had three modules — the propulsion module (or the engine), a lander and a rover.
  • The Chandrayaan-4 sample return mission would be a complex mission involving several stages. After getting into lunar orbit, two of the modules will detach from the main spacecraft and make a landing on the Moon.  Hence statement 3 is correct.
  • They will help each other in collecting samples from the lunar surface. One of the modules will launch itself from the Moon’s surface and travel back to the main spacecraft in the lunar orbit. 
  • The samples will be transferred, and then flown back to an Earth re-entry vehicle that will be launched separately from the ground. The samples will be transferred again, and it is this re-entry vehicle that will bring them back to the Earth.
  •  ISRO has also finalised designs for the next Moon mission, Chandrayaan-5, but did not specify the objective or timeline of the mission.
  • Chandrayaan-4 would involve docking of space modules twice during the Mission — when the modules fly back from the Moon to unite with the main spacecraft, and when the samples are transferred to the re-entry vehicle.  Hence statement 2 is correct.
  • ISRO has never docked spacecraft earlier. This capability will be demonstrated for the first time later this year, with the Spadex mission. Docking is a process where two spacecraft moving at extremely high speeds are aligned in a precise orbit and joined together.
PYQ REFERENCE:Q. Consider the following statements: The Mangalyaan launched by ISRO1. is also called the Mars Orbiter Mission2. made India the second country to have a spacecraft orbit the Mars after USA3. made India the only country to be successful in making its spacecraft orbit the Mars in its very first attemptWhich of the statements given above is/are correct?(a) 1 only(b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1 and 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

4. Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA)

Q. Which among the following schemes are converged with PM-AASHA.

  1. Price Support Scheme (PSS)
  2. Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF)
  3. Price Deficit Payment Scheme (PDPS) 
  4. Market Intervention Scheme (MIS)

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

(a) 1 and 2 only 

(b) 1, 2 and 3 only 

(c) 1, 2 and 4 only 

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only

Answer: (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only


In NEWS: Cabinet approves continuation of PM-AASHA to provide better prices to farmers 

Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA):

  • Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) is an umbrella scheme aimed at ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers for their produce..
  • The Cabinet also fixed the Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) rates for the upcoming rabi season on phosphatic and potassic (P and K) fertilisers. The tentative budgetary requirement for this will be ₹24,475.53 crore.
  • The total financial outgo for PM-AASHA will be ₹35,000 crore during the 15th Finance Commission cycle up to 2025-26. 
  • The Centre has converged the Price Support Scheme (PSS) and Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF) schemes in PM-AASHA.
  • PM-AASHA will now have the components of PSS, PSF and the Price Deficit Payment Scheme (PDPS) and Market Intervention Scheme (MIS). Hence all the statements are correct.
  • The extension of the PSF scheme will help in protecting consumers from extreme volatility in prices of agri-horticultural commodities by maintaining a strategic buffer stock of pulses and onion for calibrated release. 
  • It will also discourage hoarding and unscrupulous speculation, and ensure supplies to consumers at affordable prices.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/cabinet-approves-continuation-of-pm-aasha-to-provide-better-prices-to-farmers/article68655592.ece 

5. PM Janjatiya Unnat Gram Abhiyan 

Q. What is the aim of the programme ‘Unnat Bharat Abhiyan’? 

  1. Achieving 100% literacy by promoting collaboration between voluntary organizations and government’s education systems and local communities. 
  2. Connecting institutions of higher education with local communities to address development challenges through appropriate technologies. 
  3. Strengthening India’s scientific research institutions in order to make India a scientific and technological superpower. 
  4. Improving socio-economic conditions of tribal communities, by adopting saturation coverage for tribal families in tribal-majority villages and aspirational districts.

Answer: (d) Improving socio-economic conditions of tribal communities, by adopting saturation coverage for tribal families in tribal-majority villages and aspirational districts.


In NEWS: The PM Janjatiya Unnat Gram Abhiyan, cleared by Cabinet, aims for saturation of existing schemes in 63,000 tribal villages, with a ₹79,156 crore outlay over five years

  • The Pradhan Mantri Janjatiya Unnat Gram Abhiyan envisions saturation of critical gaps in social infrastructure, health, education, livelihood, through different schemes of Govt of India by convergence and outreach and ensure holistic and sustainable development of tribal areas and communities based on learnings and success of PM JANMAN (Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan). Hence option (d) is correct.

Goal-I:  Developing Enabling Infrastructure:

  • Pucca house for eligible Households with other entitlements: Eligible ST household shall have access to pucca housing under the PMAY (Gramin) with availability of tapped water (Jal Jeevan Mission) and electricity supply (RDSS). Eligible ST household shall also have access to Ayushman Bharat Card (PMJAY).
  • Improving Village infrastructure: Ensuring all weather road connectivity to ST majority villages (PMGSY), provide access to mobile connectivity  (Bharat Net) and internet, infrastructure for improving health, nutrition, and education (NHM, Samagra Shiksha and Poshan).

Goal-2: Promotion of Economic Empowerment:

  • Skill Development Entrepreneurship promotion and enhanced livelihood(self-employment) – Providing access to training (Skill India Mission/ JSS) and ensuring that ST boys/girls get access to long-term skill courses after 10th/12th standard every year. Further, Marketing support through Tribal Multipurpose Marketing Centre (TMMC), Tourist Home Stays and Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery support for FRA Patta holders

Goal-3:  Universalization of Access to Good Education:

  • Education – To increase GER to the national levels in school and higher education and to make quality education affordable and accessible to ST students (Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan) by setting up tribal hostels in schools at district/block level.

Goal-4:  Healthy lives and Dignified Ageing:

  • Health – To ensure enhanced access to quality health facilities to ST households, reach towards the national standards in IMR, MMR and coverage of immunisation through Mobile Medical Units in areas where the sub centre is more than 10 km in plain areas and 5 kms in Hilly areas (National Health Mission).

The tribal villages covered under the Abhiyan would be mapped on PM Gati Shakti Portal with the gaps identified by the concerned department for its scheme specific requirements. The physical and financial progress will be monitored PM Gati Shakti platform and the best performing districts will be awarded.

PYQ REFERENCE:Q. What is the aim of the programme ‘Unnat Bharat Abhiyan’? (a) Achieving 100% literacy by promoting collaboration between voluntary organizations and the government’s education system and local communities. (b) Connecting institutions of higher education with local communities to address development challenges through appropriate technologies. (c) Strengthening India’s scientific research institutions in order to make India a scientific and technological power. (d) Developing human capital by allocating special funds for health care and education of rural and urban poor, and organizing skill development programmes and vocational training for them.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/cabinet-approves-pradhan-mantri-janjatiya-unnat-gram-abhiyan-sanctions-79156-crore-for-tribal-communities/article68655899.ece 

6. Fast-track courts

Q. Consider the following statements.

  1. Fast-track courts in India are established to address the phenomenal judicial backlog and to ensure the timely delivery of justice. 
  2. These courts are only designed to deal with non – heinous crimes, but cannot have the rights to deal with heinous crimes.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (a) 1 only


In NEWS: Several States, including Odisha, Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Telangana, had no functional fast-track courts in 2023 

The demand for these courts occasionally resurfaces when incidents like the tragic rape and murder of a doctor at Kolkata’s R.G. Kar Medical College happens, though the inherent limitations of the judicial system remain largely overlooked.

Fast-track courts in India:

  • Fast-track courts in India were established to address the phenomenal judicial backlog and ensure the timely delivery of justice. Hence statement 1 is correct.
  • These courts were designed to deal with heinous crimes, including sexual offences and crimes against women and children. Hence statement 2 is incorrect.
  • However, the effectiveness of fast-track courts has been plagued by several factors, such as resource limitations, inefficient investigations, and insufficient staff at the judiciary. 
  • India saw a significant rise in the number of fast-track courts. In 2018, 699 courts were operational, growing to 907 by 2020. 
  • This increase was largely a response to public outcry over delays in high-profile cases such as Nirbhaya gang rape, which ignited a nationwide demand for quicker justice. 
  • However, this progress has slowed since 2020, with the number of functional courts dropping to 832 in 2023. This decline reflects the challenges States face in maintaining these courts due to financial and administrative constraints. While the Union government provides support, the responsibility of running fast-track courts rests with the States, many of which struggle to allocate the necessary resources.
  • While States such as Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu have maintained a high number of operational courts, others have far fewer or, in some cases, none. 
  • For instance, in 2023, several States, including Odisha, Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Telangana, either had no functional fast-track courts or were struggling to establish them. 
  • These disparities are a reflection of local resource limitations, varying levels of prioritisation, and differing administrative capabilities.

Source: The Hindu – Data Point

7. Environmental Impact Assessment

Q. With reference to Environmental Impact Assessment, Consider the following statements.

  1. Public consultations are part of EIA, allowing citizens to express concerns.
  2. As per the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, EIA is mandatory for large projects.
  3. The projects that come under the category B2 are exempted from Environmental Impact Assessment.

How many of the above statements are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

Answer: (c) All three


In NEWS: Environmental Impact Assessment: Navigating the development-environment dilemma 

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

  • EIA is a systematic process to evaluate the potential environmental, social, and economic effects of a proposed project before approval.
  • It helps in informed decision-making and promotes sustainable development by identifying negative effects early and proposing mitigation measures.
  • Public consultations are part of EIA, allowing citizens to express concerns. Hence statement 1 is correct.

Evolution of EIA in India:

  • Started in 1978-79 for river valley projects.
  • Made mandatory under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for large projects. Hence statement 2 is correct.
  • The first EIA norms in India were notified in 1994, later replaced by the 2006 notification.
  • 2020 Draft EIA Notification aims to streamline the process but has faced criticism.

Processes Involved in EIA:

  • Screening: Determines if a project needs full EIA based on size and impact.
  • Scoping: Identifies possible environmental impacts and alternatives.
  • Public Consultation: Engages local communities to express concerns.
  • Decision Making: Based on the EIA report, the project is approved, rejected, or approved with conditions.

Categories of Projects:

  • Category A: High-impact projects, require Central Government clearance.
  • Category B1: Require EIA, clearance by state/union territory authority.
  • Category B2: Exempt from EIA, lower environmental impact. Hence statement 3 is correct.

Supreme Court Observations:

  • TN Godavarman Thirumulpad v Union of India (1997): Recognized the right to a clean environment and the importance of EIA.
  • MC Mehta v Union of India (1996): Highlighted the necessity of EIA in projects affecting water bodies.
  • Centre for Environmental Law v Union of India (2018): Emphasized stakeholder inputs in EIA through public consultations.

Government Initiatives:

  • ENVIS (1982): Environmental Information System to store and disseminate environmental data.
  • PARIVESH: Single-window digital solution for environmental clearances, enhancing transparency and efficiency.

Source: https://indianexpress.com/article/upsc-current-affairs/upsc-essentials/environmental-impact-assessment-development-environment-dilemma-9574533/ 

8. NPS Vatsalya

Q. With reference to the National Pension System Vatsalya (NPS Vatsalya) scheme, Consider the following statements:

  1. It is a pension scheme designed to promote long-term financial planning and security for citizens focusing on both older and younger generations.
  2. All minor citizens aged below 18 years of age are eligible to be beneficiaries under this scheme.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 only 

(c) Both 1 and 2 

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2


In NEWS: Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman launches NPS Vatsalya in New Delhi today 

Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman launched the National Pension System Vatsalya (NPS Vatsalya) scheme, ‘a pension scheme for minors’ at New Delhi, today. The NPS Vatsalya was announced by the Union Finance Minister in the Union Budget 2024-25 on 23rd July, 2024.

National Pension System Vatsalya (NPS Vatsalya) scheme

  • NPS Vatsalya is a new pension scheme designed to promote long-term financial planning and security for citizens, focusing on both older and younger generations. Hence statement 1 is correct.
  • The scheme is based on intergenerational equity, covering both older and young members of the family.
  • It aims to inculcate the habit of savings among young subscribers, with wealth accumulation through the power of compounding.

Benefits and Impact:

  • Ensures a dignified life in old age for subscribers.
  • Builds on the success of Atal Pension Yojana (APY), which has garnered 6.90 crore subscribers and accumulated a corpus of Rs 35,149 crore.
  • NPS offers competitive returns: 9.5% CAGR for government sector subscribers.

Eligibility for NPS Vatsalya as follows:

  • All minor citizens (age below 18 years). Hence statement 2 is correct.
  • Account can be opened in the name of minor and operated by parent or guardian. Minor will be the beneficiary.
  • Scheme can be opened through various Points of presence regulated by PFRDA such as major banks, India Post, Pension Funds and Online platform (e-NPS).
  • Subscriber to make a minimum contribution of Rs 1000/- per annum. There is no limit on the maximum contribution.
  • PFRDA will provide multiple investment choices to subscribers. 
  • Subscribers can take exposure in government securities, corporate debt, and equity in different proportions based on risk appetite and desired returns.
  • On attaining the age of majority, the plan can be converted seamlessly into a normal NPS account. 
PYQ REFERENCE:Q. With reference to the provisions made under the National Food Security Act, 2013, consider the following statements:The families coming under the category of ‘below poverty line (BPL)’ only are eligible to receive subsidies food grains.The eldest woman in a household, of age 18 years or above, shall be the head of the household for the purpose of issuance of a ration card.Pregnant women and lactating mothers are entitled to a ‘take-home ration’ of 1600 calories per day during pregnancy and for six months thereafter.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only(c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 only

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetailm.aspx?PRID=2056331 

9. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Q.  “Machine Learning” has applications in which of the following?

  1. Identifying objects in images, like facial recognition in photos.
  2. Converting spoken words into text.
  3. Suggesting products or content based on user preferences.
  4. Analyzing medical scans to detect diseases.
  5. Using sensors to navigate roads and make driving decisions.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1, 3 and 4 only

(b) 2, 3 and 5 only

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Answer: (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


In NEWS: Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Shri Piyush Goyal today unveiled the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) based Trademark Search Technology and IP Saarthi Chatbot in New Delhi.

About Machine learning

  • Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed, enabling them to identify patterns and make predictions based on the information they’ve been trained on, improving their performance over time as they encounter more data and experience.
  • Unlike traditional programming, where instructions are explicitly defined, machine learning algorithms learn by analyzing large datasets, extracting insights and correlations to make decisions or predictions.

Examples of machine learning applications:

  1. Image recognition: Identifying objects in images, like facial recognition in photos.
  2. Speech recognition: Converting spoken words into text.
  3. Recommendation systems: Suggesting products or content based on user preferences.
  4. Fraud detection: Identifying suspicious financial transactions.
  5. Medical diagnosis: Analyzing medical scans to detect diseases.
  6. Self-driving cars: Using sensors to navigate roads and make driving decisions.

Hence all the statements are correct.

PYQ REFERENCE:Q. “3D printing” has applications in which of the following?1. Preparation of confectionery items2. Manufacture of bionic ears3. Automotive industry4. Reconstructive surgeries5. Data processing technologiesSelect the correct answer using the code given below:(a) 1, 3 and 4 only(b) 2, 3 and 5 only(c) 1 and 4 only(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=2056435   

10. In India, which one of the following is responsible for maintaining price stability by controlling inflation?

(a) Department of Consumer Affairs

(b) Expenditure Management Commission

(c) Financial Stability and Development Council

(d) Reserve Bank of India

Answer: (d) Reserve Bank of India

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