
In News: Secularism is ‘European concept not Bhartiya’: Tamil Nadu Governor

Secularism generally refers to the principle of separating religion from political, social, and educational institutions. In Western contexts, it often emphasises a strict separation between state and religion, whereas in India, secularism is framed around equal respect and treatment of all religions by the state.

DifferenceWestern SecularismIndian Secularism
Relationship with the StateEmbodies a negative concept of secularism.The state remains neutral and does not interfere in religious matters.Embodies a positive concept of secularism.The state supports religious institutions and allows for financial aid to them.
Religious FreedomPrioritises individual religious freedomProtects individual religious freedom and the rights of religious communities.
Treatment of ReligionsTreats all religions with indifference, meaning no preferential treatment is given to any faith. Restrictions on public displays of religion outside places of worship.Allows for open expression and support for religious practices in public life.
Legal FrameworkLaws are formulated independently of religious considerations, promoting a uniform legal code applicable to all citizens regardless of their religious background.Personal laws related to marriage and inheritance can vary based on religious affiliation, reflecting an attempt to accommodate diverse religious practices within the legal system.
Historical ContextLinked to the Enlightenment and the rejection of religious authority.Rooted in the country’s diverse religious heritage and the need to accommodate various faiths.The term was formally included in the Indian Constitution through the 42nd Amendment in 1976.
Challenges and DebatesDebates in the West often center around issues like the role of religion in education, abortion, and same-sex marriage.Secularism debates in India frequently involve issues like religious minorities, caste discrimination, and the tension between religious nationalism and secularism. 

The contrasting approaches reflect each society’s unique historical experiences and cultural values regarding religion’s role in public life. While Western secularism emphasises individual freedoms by ensuring that the government remains neutral towards all religions, Indian secularism is viewed as essential for maintaining peace among its diverse population.

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