Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests; Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s interests

India plays a pivotal role through its engagements in various multilateral groupings like the Quad and BRICS. These platforms serve as critical arenas for India to assert its strategic interests, enhance its economic influence, and foster international partnerships.

India’s strategic involvement in the Quad
1) Counterbalancing Act :
● India’s membership in the Quad highlights its strategic cooperation with the US, Japan, and Australia to oppose China’s dominance over the Indo-Pacific area.
2) Building Act East Policy :
● India’s involvement in the Quad is consistent with its “Act East” policy, which focuses on improving cooperation in maritime security along with more comprehensive interactions with East Asian countries.
3) Supply chains of critical technologies :
● India’s strategic interests are benefited by the Quad’s efforts to reorient global supply chains of vital technologies, such as semiconductors, digital, telecom, health, and electricity.
4) Formation of AUKUS :
● The formation of AUKUS emphasizes military capabilities and deterrence against China

India’s strategic involvement in the BRICS
1) Economic and Security Linkages :
● India’s role in BRICS focuses on broader geopolitical influence, necessitating a nuanced approach to global economic and security issues.
2) Regional Stability :
● Promoting South-South Cooperation and offers a platform for addressing global South issues
3) Alternative Financial Mechanisms :
● India put in major efforts to establish alternative financial mechanisms. Example : New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA).
4) Green and sustainable development :
● India’s involvement in BRICS emphasizes the importance of responsible financing for climate change based things.
How can India maintain a balance two multilateral organizations:
1) Active Diplomacy
● Strengthen diplomatic efforts to influence decisions in the Quad and BRICS, making sure that India’s voices are recognized and supported.
2) Increase Economic Opportunities
● Making use of BRICS possibilities for economic cooperation and development, and utilizing the Quad to further strategic and technological goals.
3) Adopt Multilateralism
● Emphasize India’s commitment to multilateralism and global cooperation in both groupings, advocating for reforms and initiatives that align with its broader international objectives.
4) Strengthen Bilateral Relations
● Strengthen bilateral ties with important players in both alliances to forge stronger alliances and further India’s strategic objectives.
5) Work on Common Strategy
● Adopt a unified plan that whilst avoiding conflicts and boosting clarity among grouping members.

India’s strategic engagements in both Quad and BRICS are crucial for enhancing its global influence. By balancing its roles in these groupings, India can effectively navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, promote stability, and foster economic and technological development.


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