Union and State Legislatures (structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges; issues therein)

In News:Intense negotiations on for control of key Parliamentary Standing Committees

Parliamentary Standing Committees are formed to scrutinise government policies and actions and thus play a crucial role in the institutionalisation of the Indian Parliament, enhancing its effectiveness and accountability

Role of Parliamentary Standing Committees:

  1. Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy: Committees empower Parliament by giving it a more active role in governance. They enhance the accountability of the government and help build public trust in the democratic process.

The Standing Committee on Information Technology has scrutinized digital initiatives, such as the Aadhaar project and the Digital India program, ensuring that they are transparent and beneficial to the public.

  1. Scrutiny of Government Bills: 

Committees examine bills in depth, identifying potential issues, inconsistencies, or ambiguities. They suggest amendments to improve the legislation, making it more effective and just.They also hold public hearings to gather feedback from stakeholders, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered.

  1. Oversight of Government Departments: Committees monitor the performance of government departments and agencies, ensuring that they are functioning efficiently and effectively. They can identify inefficiencies or corruption and recommend corrective measures.
  2. Policy Formulation: Committees can contribute to policy formulation by leveraging the expertise of their members and external experts. They can ensure that policies are based on evidence and data, rather than just political considerations.

Example:Standing Committee on Agriculture  played a crucial role in formulating policies related to the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme.


  1. Poor referral rate:There was a decrease in the involvement of standing committees in legislative matters. Only about 10% of bills introduced in Parliament during the 17th Lok Sabha have been referred to committees.
  2. The committees lack enforcement powers and the government is not obligated to follow their recommendations,and there is no follow-up mechanism to track their implementation.
  3. Limited Time and Resources: Committees often face time constraints and limited resources, which can hinder their ability to conduct thorough scrutiny of government policies and actions.
  4. Dominance of Ruling Party: In many cases, the ruling party holds a majority on committees, which can limit the effectiveness of opposition parties in scrutinising government actions.
  5. Lack of Expertise: Some committee members may lack the necessary expertise to effectively scrutinise certain issues, particularly those that are highly technical or specialised.
  6. Bureaucratic Influence: Committees can sometimes be influenced by bureaucratic interests, leading to a lack of objectivity in their assessments.
  7. Limited Public Awareness: The work of Parliamentary Standing Committees is often not well-known to the public, limiting their ability to exert pressure on the government.

Despite their limitations, Parliamentary Standing Committees are crucial for Indian democracy. To improve their effectiveness, it is essential to address their drawbacks by increasing their resources, ensuring fair representation, providing training, and promoting public awareness.

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