Aim:  To bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and contemporary scientific evidence, ensuring the integration of Ayush into evidence-based healthcare practices.

Facts for Introduction:

  • 80% of the World’s population rely on traditional medicine for their wellbeing.
  • 170 WHO member countries report the use of traditional medicine.
  • The market size of the Indian Ayush industry has seen a growth of 6 times in 7 years from 2014-2020.

Ayush research activities on –

  • Medicinal plant research (Medico-ethno botanical survey, pharmacognosy and tissue culture),
  • Drug Standardisation Pharmacological Research,
  • Clinical Research,
  • Literary Research & outreach activities

Pragmatic model of Research in Ayush:

  • Exploring Traditional Knowledge:
    1. To protect Indian traditional medicinal knowledge and prevent its misappropriation at International Patent Offices.
    2. Example : Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL).
  • Integrating Modern Scientific Methods:
    1. To Foster interdisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships.
      • Example: 17 Indian standards have been formulated with BIS certification to develop standards for Medical Value Travel.
    2. To leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to find innovative solutions.
      • Example: A ‘National Clinical Management Protocol based on Ayurveda and Yoga for management of COVID-19,’ was released. Ayush-64/Kabasura Kudineer as potential adjuncts to standard care in Covid-19 management.
    3. Addressing Unmet Healthcare Needs: –To provide innovative solutions and complementary therapies.It includes managing chronic conditions, addressing lifestyle-related diseases, mental health and promoting preventive healthcare.
      • Example
        • Brahmi Ghrita and Jyotishmati Taila in the management of Cognitive Deficit.
        • AyushSR Tablet in Occupational Stress among IT professionals.
        • Neuroprotective role of Sarasvata Ghrita in Alzheimer’s disease.
        • Comprehensive Ayurvedic intervention in the management of Manodwega (Generalised Anxiety Disorder).
  • Promoting Lifestyle Modifications:
    • To promote healthy lifestyles, incorporating practices such as yoga, meditation, dietary guidelines, and natural remedies.
    • Capacity building by organising training programmes, workshops, and conferences for researchers, clinicians, and stakeholders in the Ayush sector.
      • Example: Prenatal yoga is helping pregnant women to stay calm to changes that take place in the body during pregnancy.
  • Predictive, Preventive, and Personalised Medicine:
    • To personalise healthcare and understand the genetic basis of individual variations in response to treatments.
      • Example:
        • Ayurgenomics (Ayurveda genomics) – an emerging field that combines the principles of Ayurveda and genomics.
        • CSIR-IGIB CoE, the TRISUTRA (Translational Research and Innovative Science through Ayurgenomics).

Value Additions :

  • Ayush system of healthcare forms an important part of the pluralistic foundation of healthcare in India on the principle of Swasthyasya Swasthya Rakshanam (“preserving the health of healthy persons”).
  • WHO’s strategic objectives for achieving the “4As” to Universal health Coverage- Accessibility, Affordability, Availability, and Acceptability.
  • Ayush plays an important role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • Zero Hunger (SDG 2) through POSHAN (Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition).
    • Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3) – through integrated health programmes and AHWCs
    • Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) through National AYUSH Mission (NAM), simultaneously targeting health inequity and out-of-pocket expenditure.
    • SDG 11-Sustainable cities and communities – with the utilisation of herbal medicines and resources of nature.
    • Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17) is achieved through Ayush in India, by promoting partnerships between different healthcare systems and exchange of knowledge and expertise.


  • ‘One World One Health’ emphasises the need for collaboration and coordination among various sectors and stakeholders to address global health challenges by recognising the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health.
  • The focal theme of initiatives like G20 presidency, WHO-GCTM, etc., is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam meaning ‘The World is One Family’, a philosophy that emphasises the interdependence of all beings and the importance of cooperating to build a healthier and more equitable world.
  • Ayush has always played an important part in the Indian and global healthcare system and for providing quality healthcare services to all, which is affordable and accessible.
  • Ayush as a science of life promotes and protects the health of populations by adopting a holistic approach, personalised medicine, preventive measures, integration with modern medicine, scientific research based practices, and preservation of traditional knowledge.
  • By embracing these principles, Ayush contributes to a comprehensive and patient centred approach to healthcare aiming to achieve the goal of ‘Health for All’.

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