• Amidst the rising deployment of drones for surveillance, logistics support and even attack, India has developed an effective counter-technology. This is along with the multiple types of drones being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • As per the report recently tabled by a parliamentary standing committee, the DRDO “is developing an indigenous counter-drone technology, which is capable of counterattacks including detection, soft kill and hard kill of all types of drones.”
  • Anti-drone technology is where the focus should be, and in that, DRDO is working very closely with the industry. We are also doing a lot of R&D for anti-drone protection against these types of drones.
  • The work on meeting the rising demand for different types of drones is also being carried out, including micro-drones. The Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle TAPAS developed for ISTAR (Intelligence in Surveillance, Reconnaissance And Target Acquisition) application is in the advanced stage of developmental trials.
  • Short Range Armed UAV Archer is being developed for reconnaissance, surveillance and low-intensity conflict. “Developmental flight trials are under progress,” said a DRDO statement. 
  • Meanwhile, the parliamentary committee report also talks about delays in projects by the DRDO. Of the 55 projects, 23 were not completed within the stipulated time. 
  • TAPAS-BH is a MALE UAV with an operating altitude of 30000 ft, endurance of 24 hrs with EO & SAR payloads and a range of 250 kms.
  • It can carry a variety of payloads up to a maximum of 350 kgs. Rustom-2 is a platform designed to perform Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance missions for Indian Armed Forces.
  • Its mission requirements are to provide continuous wide area coverage and yet be able to identify small targets. Rustom-II is comparable in the same class as IAI’s HERON.

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