India Mobile Congress (IMC) is the largest telecom, media, and technology forum in Asia and will be held from October 27–29, 2023.

  • The event will act as a platform to highlight India’s incredible advancements in telecommunications and technology, bring forth significant announcements, and provide an opportunity for start-ups to display their innovative products and solutions.
  • IMC has established itself as a leading platform for bringing together industry, government, academia, and other ecosystem players to discuss and display the latest in the technology world.
  • With the theme ‘Global Digital Innovation,’ the IMC 2023 aims to strengthen India’s position as a developer, manufacturer, and exporter of key cutting-edge technologies.
  • The three-day congress will highlight technologies such as 5G, 6G, and artificial intelligence (AI) and discuss issues pertaining to the semiconductor industry, green technology, cybersecurity, etc.
  • This year, IMC is introducing a startup programme called ‘Aspire’. It will foster connections between startups, investors, and established businesses with the aim of catalysing fresh entrepreneurial initiatives and collaborations.
  • IMC 2023 was attended by over one lakh participants from about 22 countries, including about 5000 CEO-level delegates, 230 exhibitors, 400 startups, and other stakeholders.

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