• India and Sweden are hosting this side event at COP28 that will present the objectives of the next phase of the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (2024-2026), LeadIT 2.0 and a new bilateral Industry Transition Platform between Sweden and India.
  • The event addresses how LeadIT 2.0 will accelerate a just and equitable industry transition through partnerships, technology co-development, and financial and technical assistance focused on industry decarbonization for emerging and developing economies.
  • At COP28, Lead IT members adopted a Mission Statement for the initiative’s next phase (2024-2026) to reaffirm their dedication to accelerating a just and equitable industry transition to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) gathers countries and companies that are committed to action to achieve the Paris Agreement.
  • It was launched by the governments of Sweden and India at the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019 and is supported by the World Economic Forum.
  • LeadIT members subscribe to the notion that energy-intensive industry can and must progress on low-carbon pathways, aiming to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.38 LeadIT members have committed to action to achieve the Paris Agreement.
  • LeadIT fosters collaboration between decision-makers in the public and private sector to create conducive policies and share best practices to accelerate industry transition. A joint Mission Statement for the next phase of LeadIT (2024-2026),LeadIT 2.0 was adopted at the annual LeadIT Summit at COP28 in Dubai on 9 December 2023.

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