Soil Acidification and SIC Depletion

Soil acidification in India is primarily attributed to industrial activities and intensive farming practices, leading to the dissolution of solid carbonate, a major component of soil inorganic carbon (SIC), under low pH conditions.

Impact on Carbon Storage
This dissolution process results in the potential loss of 3.3 billion tonnes of SIC from the top 0.3 meters of soil over the next 30 years, posing a significant threat to carbon storage in soils.

Consequences for Climate Change Mitigation
The depletion of SIC undermines the soil’s ability to regulate nutrient levels, foster plant growth, and store carbon effectively, hindering efforts to mitigate climate change.

Vulnerability of Indian Soils
India, with its extensive SIC stocks and soil acidification due to nitrogen additions, is particularly susceptible to SIC losses, exacerbating the challenge of achieving net carbon dioxide emissions targets outlined in global agreements like the Paris Agreement.

Implications for Carbon Transport
The loss of SIC from soils to inland waters disrupts carbon transport dynamics between ecosystems, potentially impacting ecosystem health and climate regulation.

Incorporating SIC Preservation Strategies
To address these challenges, it is crucial to incorporate strategies to mitigate soil acidification and preserve SIC into climate change mitigation plans, ensuring the maintenance and enhancement of carbon storage in soils.

Given the importance of SIC for soil health, ecosystem services, and carbon sequestration, incorporating strategies to mitigate soil acidification and preserve SIC into climate change mitigation plans is essential. By addressing soil acidification and preserving SIC, efforts can be made to maintain and enhance carbon storage in soils, contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts.

Source DownToEarth

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