Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023
- Road traffic deaths fell by 5% worldwide between 2010 and 2021 but rose 15% in India, says the report; crashes were the leading cause of deaths among children and youth aged five to 29 years.
- Globally, the number of road traffic deaths has fallen 5% since 2010.The global fatality rate per 100 000 population has fallen 16% since 2010 when set against the 13% rise in global population.
- The global fatality rate per 100 000 vehicles has fallen 41% since 2010 when set against the 160% increase in the global motor vehicle fleet.
- The global share of fatalities has fallen 1% among 4-wheel vehicle users and 2% among two- and three-wheeler users since 2010 but has risen from 5% to 6% among cyclists.
- In 108 countries, reductions in fatality counts between 2010 and 2021 were observed, including, for the first time, low-income countries.
- 10 countries in four regions achieved the target of a 50% reduction in road traffic deaths between 2010 and 2021.
- There were an estimated 1.19 million road traffic deaths in 2021; this corresponds to a rate of 15 road traffic deaths per 100 000 population.
- As of 2019, road traffic injury remains the leading cause of death for children and young people aged 5–29 years and is the 12th leading cause of death when all ages are considered.
- Globally, 4-wheel vehicle occupants represent 30% of fatalities; followed by pedestrians who make up 23% of fatalities; and powered two- and three-wheeler users who make up 21% of fatalities.
- Cyclists account for 6% of fatalities while 3% of deaths are among users of micro-mobility devices such as e-scooters.
- 92% of deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.
- The risk of death is three times higher in low-income countries than high-income countries despite these countries having less than 1% of all motor vehicles.
- Most people identify as pedestrians and public transport users, yet only 47 countries have policies to promote walking, cycling, and public transport.
- Nearly 80% of the roads assessed do not meet a minimum 3-star rating for pedestrian safety and just 0.2% of the roads assessed have cycle lanes.
- Only 35 countries have legislation mandating all five core areas of vehicle safety equipment while 79 countries have no legislation on vehicle safety standards.
- As of 2022, 140 countries have legislation meeting WHO best practice for at least one of the five key risk factors,7 although only six countries have legislation on all five that meet WHO best practice criteria.
- Since the Global status report on road safety 2018, 23 countries have modified their laws to align with WHO best practice: speeding (8); drink driving (3), motorcycle helmets (5); seat-belts (11); and child restraint systems (4).
- 131 countries have national legislation mandating third party liability insurance for vehicles.
- Only 25 countries mandate provision of psychological assistance to road traffic crash victims and their families.
Global Status Report on Road Safety
- This Global status report on road safety 2023 (the fifth edition since 2009).
- It is released by WHO.
Brasilia declaration on road safety
- The declaration was adopted in 2015 at the Second UN Global High-Level conference on Road Safety held in Brazil.
- Through the Brasilia Declaration Countries plan to achieve the Sustainable
- Development Goal 3.6: By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.
- The United Nations has also declared 2010-2020 as the decade of action for Road Safety.