Minerals Security Partnership (MSP)

  • The Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) aims to accelerate the development of diverse and sustainable critical energy minerals supply chains through working with host governments and industry to facilitate targeted financial and diplomatic support for strategic projects along the value chain.
  • MSP partners include Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union (represented by the European Commission).
  • The MSP considers projects along the full clean energy value chain, from mining, extraction, and secondary recovery, to processing and refining, and ultimately to recycling. The MSP focuses on the minerals and metals supply chains most relevant for clean energy technologies. These include – but are not limited to – lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, graphite, rare earth elements, and copper.
  • MSP partners strive to elevate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards across the global minerals sector. The MSP commits to support only those projects that meet high, internationally recognized ESG standards, promote local value addition, and uplift communities, in recognition that all countries can benefit from the global clean energy transition. Projects supported by the MSP will adhere to rigorous ESG standards throughout the project lifetime. Further information on the MSP’s principles can be found in the MSP partners’ public statement, “Principles for Responsible Critical Mineral Supply Chains.”

Under these basic principles, the MSP will support projects that

  • Demonstrate responsible stewardship of the natural environment;
  • Engage in consultative and participatory processes regarding land access and acquisition;
  • Commit to meaningful, ongoing consultation with communities;
  • Ensure safe, fair, inclusive, and ethical conditions in the community and the workplace;
  • Provide economic benefit for workers, and local communities; and
  • Ensure transparent, ethical business operations.

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